Sunday, November 1, 2009

Waziristans Taliban butchers

South Wazinitsna invited journalist over to tell them what they are doing to stop the taliban. It was a really risky trip for the journalist, it said that injury, or kidnapping, or death would not have been a suprise, said leaders from Wazitristan. They found a passport from one of the planners of the attack of 9/11. The taliban have been gettng steadly pushed back by the Waziristanian army. They are slowly, but surely taking over the Taliban territories.

i think that it was a stupid decision to have the reporters actually go over there to talk to the leaders. They risked their lives just to get a story. it would ahave made more sense to just have a video conference with the leaders, and the leaders could have showed the journalist video clips of them taking over the Taliban communities. I think if we team up this these guys we could stop the terroristic attack alot faster than if it is just one army trying to take them over.

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