Monday, November 2, 2009

6 women found

Just the other day a man was arrests as a supect of six murders. The man, Sowells, was arrested in 1989 and let released in 2005, he was convicted of rape. Police were notified a sexual harrasment claim on him a coulple days ago. When the officers fially got an arrest warrent for him they also recieved a search warrant as well. While searching the house and yard of Sowell's home the police found six African American women in partial decomposition in different areas of the house and yard. The bodies are to decomposed to be able to tell age, or how long they have been in the makeshift graves.

I think that he is guilty. Someone does not have six dead bodies around their house that they didnt know about. He obviously was the one who killed them, or at least was involed in the hiding of the bodies. He should have just been arrested and convicted of the crime on the spot. If someone like that who has a criminal record and then six dead bodies are found at their house is just screaming, I'm guilty. He should be locked up for sure. He should also in my opinion have the death sentence. Killing six innocent women is just wrong and if he gets out before he dies he will just go back to doing what he knows best and that is raping and killing women.

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