Monday, November 2, 2009

Baby that cant breathe

In this article it talks a bout a baby that has a rare disease that resticts her breathing. Right now she is on a resperator and other instruments that allow her to stay alive. The parents of the baby, RB is her name, are currently in court to figure out if they should take her off of life support of if they should give the baby a chance to pull through. They have recently called a specialist that could do a tracheostomy to try to save RB's life. So the court is trying to figure out what they should which would be in best intrest for the baby.

In my humble opinion think that they should let the baby have a chance to get better. if they end her life right now they would never know if th RB would every be able to pull through. She is a human being so she should have the same chance that everyone has. The dad wants to keep her on life support and give her a chance, but her mom wants the doctor to pull the plug. but i think if was the mom laying there with a disease that she could either die from or pull through it, she would want to try to overcome the chance of deatha and keep the life support on even if she was in pain. so i think they should leave the baby on life support and see if she can pull through.

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