Wednesday, November 4, 2009

14 year old killer

Just the other day a 14 year old boy, Raul, lured his 4 year old neighbor into his apartment. He did so by telling the little boy that he had something to show him. When the little boy entered the apartment he then got him into the bahroom, and the boy tripped on the rug got knocked out and Raul supposedly molested him. After Raul was done molesting the boy he threatened to tell his mom. Raul didnt want him to rat him out so he decided to just kill him. Raul fill just enough water in the bath tub so that the boys face was submerged. He held the boy under the water for about two to four minutes. then after the boy was dead Raul carried him to the dryer and placed him in there. The little boy's parents couldn't find him anywhere so they called the police, and after the police searched and couldnt find him they called in the the FBI. Ans just a while after they arrived they found him stuffed into the dryer. They did and autopsy, because they didnt know what killed him. Later they declared death by drowning. Raul then told the police he did it, because he didnt want the little boy to tell his mother.

I think that that is the stupidest reason to kill someone. Raul should have never messed with the kid. If it was up to me this boy would me geting life in jail. There are no excusses for his actions. If he wouldnt have tryed to mess with the boy none of this would have ever happened.

Federal Budget Blog Entry

The main priority of the Federal Budget is to plan how they will spend money for each federal program. One of these federal programs, Social Security, is the largest and most expensive federal budget program. Socail security was established to fight poverty and serves retired, disabled workers, families of deseased workers, and children. This is paid by money taken outout of today's workers pay checks. Since 1983 the federal goverment has been using extra tax money for benefits. The disadvantages to this that more money will be spent on social security benefits than income taxes. Another program that is skyrocketing is Medicare. It is currently spending more than it is taking in. It is a program for people over 65 and the disabled for hospital benefits. Since the number of retirees is increasing, they estimate that the funding will be gone by the year 2019. Some people believe that a change needs to occur and other believe that the prgram will keep going without change. The people who believe there needs to be a change say that the program is offering the retiree's more than what it can afford to give. They believe that private investments should be offered as well as minimum benefits for everyone. The other view states that the social security program has become a well known for retiree's and should stay like that. They believe that the people who enter the program pay and in return should receve benefits.

I strongly believe that the America needs to make a major change in the social security program. Social security was not made for a retiree program, but instead to decrease poverty. For the last couple of years it has become a bwwfit dealer, and by 2017 the federal goverment will be spending more on these benefits then it recieves in imcome taxes, which pay for the benefits of social security. We need to make changes in order to save the program, like cutting back benefits and giving it to Americans only in desperate need of the money. In 2005 President Bush did promote an idea that Americans could have to option of diverting their social security payroll into private investments so they would be promised benefits.

The war in Iraq

Pay as you go

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

TV anchor slayed

A Little Rock news tv anchor was recently beaten and raped in her own home. The man that did it has already been convicted of rape to a girl only ninety miles away. They thought the man, Vance, followed her home just planning on robbing her house, and things just went from there. Vance beat her so badly that pretty much every bone in her face was pulverised. Her mom said that her jaw bone was sticking out. And do to the sever beating and the multiple fractures to the skull Anne suffered a fetal stoke. The jury is trying to figure out if Vance should get the death penalty. Although Vance already confesed to the crime he says that the prosucution will be decided from his closing speech. He thinks it will be able to get him out of the death penalty.

Why someone would do this to another human being is beyond me. Its so stupid. I dont know what would make someone want to beat, rape, and kill another person. Vance shouldnt have even had a trial, the evidence already pointed to him and he also confesed to the crime. He took someone elses life so i think its only fair that he gets the death penalty to give back to her family that he took away. Or at least to help Anne's family with some of the rage that is built up inside them, so that someone in the family wont do anything stupid.

One dance you wont want to remember

On october 24th there was a raping that occured in an alley outside of a high school dance. Ten men were arrested as suspects in the aleged rape. The dance was a high school homecoming dance. They captured a high schooler and brought her to a dim lit alley not far from the school and raped the young lady. The tramatic event was said to have lasted more than two hours while about ten people watched without calling the police. Although one man was currently released due to lack of evidence. The victim was taken to the hospital with sever injuries.

I think that this is just pathetic. Having ten people watcha girl getting raped and none of them call the police for help. That is beyond rediculous. It should be an automatic action to call for help if you see someone getting raped and beaten in an alley. I think that they should all get jail time for their lack of actions, they just let someone get away with raping a girl. If i saw that happening i would go confront the man even if I dont know the person getting raped just because it is the right thing to do. I would make sure that guy wasnt going to get away this his actions. So this was very upsetting to me, to know that there are people who will just watch someone getting violated and have no one do anything to help that person.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Baby steps

a fifteen year old boy is now fighting for his life in the hospital with over sixty percent of his body covered with second and third degee burns. He lies on a balloon type bed to relieve pressure from the burn. He is also on a ventilator breathing apparatus,because he can not do it himself. This all started with five kids about his same age stealing his fathers bike, because supposidly he didnt pay someone fourty dollars for a video game. So they doused him with rubbing alcohol and used a lighter so set him a blaze.

i think that the kids that set him on fire should go to juvy, but they might be tried as adults to go to jail. That was really stupid on the kids part to set someone on fire, because now they can be tried for attempet murder. With that charge your whole life will be screwed after they get out. wont be able to get jobs, find spouces, of find somewhere nice to live. so it was very stupid of those kids to do what they did.

6 women found

Just the other day a man was arrests as a supect of six murders. The man, Sowells, was arrested in 1989 and let released in 2005, he was convicted of rape. Police were notified a sexual harrasment claim on him a coulple days ago. When the officers fially got an arrest warrent for him they also recieved a search warrant as well. While searching the house and yard of Sowell's home the police found six African American women in partial decomposition in different areas of the house and yard. The bodies are to decomposed to be able to tell age, or how long they have been in the makeshift graves.

I think that he is guilty. Someone does not have six dead bodies around their house that they didnt know about. He obviously was the one who killed them, or at least was involed in the hiding of the bodies. He should have just been arrested and convicted of the crime on the spot. If someone like that who has a criminal record and then six dead bodies are found at their house is just screaming, I'm guilty. He should be locked up for sure. He should also in my opinion have the death sentence. Killing six innocent women is just wrong and if he gets out before he dies he will just go back to doing what he knows best and that is raping and killing women.

Baby that cant breathe

In this article it talks a bout a baby that has a rare disease that resticts her breathing. Right now she is on a resperator and other instruments that allow her to stay alive. The parents of the baby, RB is her name, are currently in court to figure out if they should take her off of life support of if they should give the baby a chance to pull through. They have recently called a specialist that could do a tracheostomy to try to save RB's life. So the court is trying to figure out what they should which would be in best intrest for the baby.

In my humble opinion think that they should let the baby have a chance to get better. if they end her life right now they would never know if th RB would every be able to pull through. She is a human being so she should have the same chance that everyone has. The dad wants to keep her on life support and give her a chance, but her mom wants the doctor to pull the plug. but i think if was the mom laying there with a disease that she could either die from or pull through it, she would want to try to overcome the chance of deatha and keep the life support on even if she was in pain. so i think they should leave the baby on life support and see if she can pull through.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Waziristans Taliban butchers

South Wazinitsna invited journalist over to tell them what they are doing to stop the taliban. It was a really risky trip for the journalist, it said that injury, or kidnapping, or death would not have been a suprise, said leaders from Wazitristan. They found a passport from one of the planners of the attack of 9/11. The taliban have been gettng steadly pushed back by the Waziristanian army. They are slowly, but surely taking over the Taliban territories.

i think that it was a stupid decision to have the reporters actually go over there to talk to the leaders. They risked their lives just to get a story. it would ahave made more sense to just have a video conference with the leaders, and the leaders could have showed the journalist video clips of them taking over the Taliban communities. I think if we team up this these guys we could stop the terroristic attack alot faster than if it is just one army trying to take them over.

Monday, September 28, 2009

It Does't Matter!

As Defense Secretary Robert Gates states that Guantanamo Bay will take longer than origanaly scheduled. He says they will be taken to a maximum security prison in the United states. If they get sick the detainees will be sent to a prison hospital facility in Missouri. Feinstein said, She said she would accept Guantanamo prisoners moving to California. Over half of the detained terrorist have already been sent to different countries already all over the world.

I think this is a really stupid idea. if we bring the terrorist into the United States they are going to want to get out and continue their terroristic ways. they would also probably start fights and gangs in the prisons. the terrorist would also try to recruit the cons to join the terrorist group.