Friday, January 8, 2010

Baby Gone Missing

The day after Christmas a 8 month old baby went missing. It happened after a long layover in an airport. The mother of the baby wanted to give it up her baby for adoption and a couple she met and was talking to for awhile was interested in adopting. But there was one small problem, well actually kind of a big problem. The mother didnt have custody of the baby the father did. And just days after the father says no he is not going to give up the baby, it mysteriously vanishes. And the police arrested the mother on suspicion of custodial interference, she is also refusing to tell police where the baby is.
i think that it was really stupid of the mother to say that her child was up for adoption without checking with the father first. and also not telling police where the baby is, is also dumd because if she thinks the baby deserves a better place to live its not going to happen where ever the baby is now.

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